Proximity Threat - July Prototype Version 2 Now Available!

A new version of Proximity Threat is now available. 

This update addresses some minor bugs as well as improving some gameplay aspects.

Hopefully these changes will make the prototype more enjoyable and more 'fair' to play. 

As for non-patching updates, there is no confirmed plans for further development, news on this will hopefully come in the future depending on feedback.

July Prototype Version 2

- Improved collisions on Player and some other objects.

- Minor adjustments to boss attack timings.

- Fixed text on some objects being incorrect.

- Fixed the Cargo Hall North doors so they do not move when they should not move.

- Dead end in Security Room fixed.

- Adjusted speed door attributes.

- Minor performance optimisations.

- New rocket printer added.

- Fixed Maintenance Bot paths so they do not go through walls.


ProximityThreat - July 816 MB
62 days ago
ProximityThreat - Instruction Manual.pdf 930 kB
62 days ago

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